Maintenance Inspection Content And Maintenance Method Of High-Speed Loom

High-speed ribbon loom maintenance inspection content:

  1. Check whether the lubricating oil in the main chassis is within the required range, take out the oil probe and lower it to ensure that the remaining oil is in the middle of the two lines, but not too much to prevent the lubricating oil from spraying out.
  2. Check the lubricating oil of the stepless speed-regulating motor, which can be estimated by the oil mirror. When it is less than half of the oil mirror, the lubricating oil should be filled.
  3. Carry out proper lubrication and maintenance on all gear shaft parts of the machine, once a week.
  4. The polished rod part of the polished rod cable arrangement should be properly lubricated and maintained once a week.
  5. Make sure there is no obstruction within the range of the device’s posture, and check it anytime, anywhere.
  6. Tighten the screws of the transmission system and connection parts of the high-speed loom to prevent loosening from affecting the machine operation, and check it once a week.
  7. Before the actual operation of the machine, it should be operated in low gear for about 5 minutes before increasing the speed.

Maintenance method of standard parts of a high-speed webbing machine:

  1. Use patrol inspections to check whether the key process components and tightening joints of each piece of equipment are loose, and tighten the loose parts in time.
  2. Purchase standard tightening connectors from designated factories in my country, and build a safety inspection system with inspection as the key.
  3. Unify the tightening operation steps of standard parts to minimize under-tightening or over-tightening, which may lead to potential failures or reduce the service life of tightened parts.